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Organizations & Ministries

Liturgical Ministries

Parish Liturgical Ministries



Vital to the prayer life of the parish is the Sacred Liturgy, which is the public and official worship of God through the Sacraments and the proclamation of the Word. The highest form of Liturgy is the Holy Sacrifice

of the Mass in which both priest and people participate, each in his or her own way. The priest has his

primary role as the Celebrant of the Mass. The deacon has his special role in the Mass through his ordination.

Baptized Catholics also have their role in the Mass as members of the Church; not only as people in the pews, but as ministers carrying out special functions assigned to them by the Church. These include Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors, Ushers, Altar Servers, and Singers.


Spiritual Director of the Parish Liturgical Ministers:

Deacon Robert P. Troia
Please call the parish office to leave a message (401) 942 5203

Deacon Bob is assisted by the following parishioners for each of the ministries. They are responsible

for preparing the schedule of assignments, periodically or whenever there is a need.


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion & Lectors

Mrs. Stephanie C. Fava Phone: (401) 942-5203



Please call the parish office to leave a message (401) 942 5203


Altar Servers

The Altar Servers of Saint Rocco Church are dedicated children in grades four through eight and serve

at the Altar of the Lord for all liturgical functions of the Parish. All members of the parish in these grade

levels are welcome.


For Schedules & Training Contact:
Mrs. Stephanie Fava at 942-5203 or email at



Christopher Caramello (401) 692-5270 >

Holy Name Societies



The St. Rocco Church Holy Name Society is an organization of men of the parish who are committed to their Catholic Faith and respect for their country.  The spiritual growth of its members and parish involvement are paramount characteristics of the Holy Name Society.  They meet regularly throughout the year to plan their spiritual, social, and fund-raising activities.  They are involved in any activity of the parish where their help is needed.  Over the years, they have taken on the care of the St. Francis Garden on the right side of the church.  They are also involved in the annual St. Rocco Feast in various ways.  Membership is opened to all men of the parish 18 and older.



On the second Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm in St. Rocco School Café Rocco


Holy Name Society

Meetings Parish Secretary at 942-5203. 

Women’s Guild



The St. Rocco Church Women’s Guild is an organization of women of the parish who wish to remain active

in the life of the parish. Their activities begin with being faithful to their obligation of regular attendance at Mass every weekend, their reception of Holy Communion whenever possible, and especially when meeting

in church as a body: e.g., their yearly Mass for deceased members, at the swearing-in ceremony of new officers, etc. Other activities can also be spiritual, such as a day of recollection; educational, such as guest speakers at one of their meetings; outreach, such as the annual Giving Tree; social, such as a Christmas party, etc.


The Guild is also involved in the life of the parish by its constant support in planning and implementing regular parish events and fund-raisers. This includes their tremendous participation in the annual St. Rocco Feast. All women of the parish are eligible for membership and are welcome to attend their regular meetings.


Future Meetings

St. Rocco Women’s Guild meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 6:45 pm in St. Rocco School Music Room. New members are always welcome!


Call for Information:
St. Rocco Rectory - 942-5203

Parish Outreach



Members of the Parish Outreach actively reach out to serve parishioners and others who are in spiritual or financial need.  They maintain a food pantry on the church premises and prepare baskets of food and other necessities for the needy throughout the year.  Anyone wishing to help them with this corporal work of mercy is welcomed to join them.


Call for information

St. Rocco Rectory  942-5203

Legion of Mary



This organization of men and women seeks to make its members better Christians by a balanced program

of prayer and action, all in the service of the Lord in union with Mary.  Members of the Legion visit the sick and elderly of the parish at home, in the hospital, and in nursing homes. Their apostolic work also includes visiting families at home.  Anyone willing to work for their own spiritual self-development and to reach out to others is welcomed to join them. The Legion of Mary meets each week on Friday morning at 8:00 A.M. in the Conference Room in the Rectory office.


Call for information

St. Rocco Rectory  942-5203

Knights of Colombus



Council # 03547: Bishop John B. Scalabrini
Practicing the Principles of Charity-Unit-Fraternity & Patriotism
1231 Plainfield Street, Johnston, RI 02919
Date Formed: June 22, 1952
Meetings are the 2nd & 4th Wednesday at 7:30 pm


Click Here for Officers

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